公司簡介   Our Company


英國本地人創辦Beattie Building Construction Limited坐落於倫敦,擁有多年經驗,主要業務為房屋擴建 (Extension)、翻新閣樓 (Loft)、浴室、廚房、睡房以至全屋裝修等,以高質素服務及合理價錢為宗旨,多年來屢獲客戶好評及推薦


We are a British Local Company, Beattie Building Construction Limited, our main office is located in London. Our main duties include Extension, Loft conversion, bedroom, bathroom and kitchen renovation and rebuild the houses. We aim to serve you with our high standards and high quality of service with reasonable price, we gained a lot of recommendations and referral from our clients from all these years.

服務範圍:Our service

Refurbishment 翻新

Extension 擴建

Lofts 屋頂/ 閣樓

New Builds 建造樓房

Kitchens 廚房

Bathrooms 浴室

服務地區:全英國   We serve any area in Britain


為你的家居改善可用空間,例如加建睡房/ 浴室/ 書房、擴建車房、翻新廚房浴室等,我們擁有專業團隊包括建築師、工程人員、設計師、項目經理等為你提供專業意見,翻新房屋亦可為你投資或放租的物業提升市場價值及增加回報。

If you would like to maximize the spaces of your house, for example we can help you to make use the space for adding more bedrooms, bathrooms or study rooms, extend the garage etc. Our team is formed by professional architects, engineers, designers, customer service and project managers. Besides, renovation helps to raise up the value of your property in the market.

詳情請與我們聯絡 ,歡迎查詢報價

If you have any questions, or if you would like to know more details, you are welcome to get a free consultation and  quotation, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Free consultation & quotation 免費報價

We are friendly, giving fantastic advice, which may save you time on your build as well as money.
Tel.電話:+44 207 183 3773
9 Lauderdale Parade, Lauderdale Road, London W9 1LU
If you wish to send plans etc. email us   Email 電郵: